'Jamwant image,jamwant, Jamwant ji, Jamwant hanuman,Jamwant story,'


Jambavan was  the  the king of bears(Sikha). He was also one of Sugriva (The king of vanars) advisors. Jamwant was lord Brahma's which is why he was very powerful and had a vary long lifespan.

The birth of Jambavant

There are two legends about how the bear king Jambavan was born 

According to first legend - 

He was born from Brahma Ji's yawn. Once Brahma Ji was absorbed in penance, he yawned and from that the first bear(rikhsha) was born. He was named Jambavan(jamwant) because he was born from yawning. 

According to second legend -

It is said that in Agni Purana, Jambavan(jamwant) was born from Agni (fire). His mother was a Gandharva women. Jambavan wife's name has been described as Jaywanti.

Jamwant was the oldest wisest,and one of the most powerful person of Ramayana

He is described as extremely learned, intelligent, Veda-pathi and always studying. He had memorized all the Vedas, Puranas, scriptures. He was the oldest and wisest in the army of Shri Ram, and that is why Shri Ram used to take advise from him.

The power of Jamwant has been told in the Bhagavata Purana and Vishnu Purana. His power is said to be equal to the power of 1000000 (one crore) lions. 

According to Ramcharitmanas, Jambavan said to vanars that at this time I have become very old, yet I can go up to 90 yojans at a time. When I was young I saw the churning of the ocean. At that time I was so strong that when the gods and demons got tired then I alone rotated the Madralchal mountain.I was there when Shri Hari took the Vamana avatar and the demon king came to Bali. 

Jamwant in Ramayana

After killing the demon yankup, Jambavan fought with the demon king Ravana. In that fight Jambavan kicked Ravana so hard that he lost his consciousness. Jambavana also fought with Meghnath, it is said that Jambavan caught Meghnath's Sakti in air and send it back to him. And then in the middle of the battle Meghnath also lost consciousness after taking Jamvant's fierce attacks.

Jamwant krishna yudh

When the Lanka war ended, Shri Ram was praising everyone's strength. At that time Jamwant came to Shri Ram very disappointed and told him that Lord! I thought that after ages I would enjoy this war, but it ended and i didn't even lose a sweat.

Seeing him saying this, Shri Ram understood that arrogance has come in the mind of Jamwant. Then he told Jamwant that wait, I myself will fulfill your war desire in Dwapar. When Shri Krishna incarnated in Dwapar,Satrajit accused him of stealing a gem . Which in fact, was stolen by Satrajit's own brother who was killed by a lion. Then Jamwant killed that lion and took the gem with him

When Shri Krishna went out to find that gem, he reached the cave of Jamwant. When he saw the gem there, he wanted to take it. But Jamwant refused to the gem because he obtained that by killing a lion. There was a fierce battle between Shri Krishna and Jamwant on this. According to the Bhagavata Purana, that war lasted for 28 days.

When he started getting defeated, he remembered Shri Ram. While doing so, Shri Krishna appeared to him in the form of Shri Ram. Jamwant understood that because of his promise, Shri Ram himself incarnated as Shri Krishna.

Jamwant's cave (Jamwant ki gufa)

The cave in which Jamwant fought with Krishna is located at East jammu. There is also a temple which is believed to be taposthali of Jamwant. Many sages have also done penance here, due to which this cave got his other named 'Peer kho'(पीर खो).